Sunday, December 9, 2012
(There's so much I want to say, so this post is probably all over the place haha)
On Monday night I went caroling with my ward to an old folk's home and just around neighborhoods. We were on trailers with hay, which made it a night of goofing off and laughing, but also a night of feeling the spirit of Christmas music. The little old folks were so sweet and fun :)
On Tuesday I was able to go on a date to The Jump Zone (Thanks Bryon!). Although I'm not athletic in ANY shape or form whatsoever, it was great! I definitely want to go again! We had hot chocolate after, which was divine. It's always fun being with people and having a good time :)
Friday afternoon my parents took me out for lunch and then we went to the temple together. It was my second time going through! Such a wonderful experience! I'm grateful to have parents who will be with me in the Lord's house :) That night Kallin and I had a sleepover with R3! We ate food, went to Wally world, painted nails, and watched Elf. Such a great night laughing and being with good friends!
All the things I did this week were small and simple, but made me really happy. I've been thinking a lot about my mission. Of course I'm excited to serve, but while I'm here I'm really trying to cherish these last moments.
Like talking with Kallin every night till 2:00 in the morning, being with the people I love, laughing at nothing/everything, and most importantly loving the Gospel. Sometimes I've been so happy that I can't fall asleep :) I cherish those nights the most.
Life would be absolutely nothing without simple joys, and I'm grateful for them. I can't wait to proclaim this Gospel and help others feel the joy I've felt through Jesus Christ. The Gospel is true. I love it and this life with all my heart!
Love, Karli Sue
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Utica, New York!
I feel like there's so much to say about my mission call, but I just can't get it all written down. I got my papers in as soon as I could, and tried to wait patiently for that letter ;) It finally came on November 14th. Now I'm the kind of girl that notices little details, and 14 is my favorite number... so I thought it coming that day was pretty cool :)
Not a lot of my family could be there because they were out of state, but it was still awesome! My parents, Trace, Michelle, Kallin, and a few nieces and nephews were there in person. The rest were on the phone! While I was opening it, it didn't seem real. I always heard stories about missionaries and other people opening their calls, but I couldn't believe it was actually mine!
I read where I was going silently to myself before I read out loud :) I was SO excited! The Utica, New York mission is where Heavenly Father has called me! I'm speaking English and leaving March 6th! PERFECT! Everyone cheered and we were excited :) It might take a little while for it to set in though haha.
A lot of people have told me it's cold there. That it rains a lot, and the winters are colder than Utah because of the humidity. I think it's kind of ironic, because the whole time I didn't care where I went. I just wanted it to be somewhere WARM. Well... that's not going to happen in New York haha :) I'm a little nervous about that, because I really really really don't like the cold. Why I'm living in Utah? I have no idea!!! I guess the Lord is probably going to teach me to be happy with the weather, and think of others.
I know that New York is where I'm supposed to go, and I'm excited! Looking up more history of Palmyra and learning about my area will be great! I love the Gospel, and can't wait to help people feel the absolute joy that comes from it!! NEW YORK HERE I COME! :)
Here are some pictures from the opening!
Not a lot of my family could be there because they were out of state, but it was still awesome! My parents, Trace, Michelle, Kallin, and a few nieces and nephews were there in person. The rest were on the phone! While I was opening it, it didn't seem real. I always heard stories about missionaries and other people opening their calls, but I couldn't believe it was actually mine!
I read where I was going silently to myself before I read out loud :) I was SO excited! The Utica, New York mission is where Heavenly Father has called me! I'm speaking English and leaving March 6th! PERFECT! Everyone cheered and we were excited :) It might take a little while for it to set in though haha.
A lot of people have told me it's cold there. That it rains a lot, and the winters are colder than Utah because of the humidity. I think it's kind of ironic, because the whole time I didn't care where I went. I just wanted it to be somewhere WARM. Well... that's not going to happen in New York haha :) I'm a little nervous about that, because I really really really don't like the cold. Why I'm living in Utah? I have no idea!!! I guess the Lord is probably going to teach me to be happy with the weather, and think of others.
I know that New York is where I'm supposed to go, and I'm excited! Looking up more history of Palmyra and learning about my area will be great! I love the Gospel, and can't wait to help people feel the absolute joy that comes from it!! NEW YORK HERE I COME! :)
Here are some pictures from the opening!
Love, Karli Sue
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Wonderful Weekend!
Quite a few things happened this weekend that I wanted to write about, so I separated them into days!
In the morning Anand, Nicee, Muller, and I went to do baptisms. I can't believe they've started opening the temple early every day instead of just Saturdays!!! It was great, and I loved starting my day off at the temple. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such great people!
Later I got to carve a pumpkin for the first time in my life (I know crazy)! I was so happy to check it off my bucket-list haha! :) It was a date with three couples, and my date was Anand. Thanks Anand! We went to a haunted corn maze, which was a BLAST! I think I almost trampled Nicee the first time we encountered a scary chainsaw guy hahaha. After the corn maze we lit our pumpkins and had hot chocolate! Great day!
Trace and Michelle invited us to a Halloween breakfast! We had pumpkin pancakes with other good food, watched Halloweentown High, and had a great time just talking! I love having family so close, and celebrating holidays with them :)
That night Kallin and I went out with some of our lovely friends from work :) GIRLS NIGHT! We went to Fredrico's for dinner, and Charlie's Ice Cream for dessert! Of course it was great, and I love them so much. I'm grateful to be friends with such amazing girls!
The day finally came to start papers! My bishop was out of town until then, so I was REALLY anxious to meet with him about my mission! My papers are almost done! :) Now all I need to do is get missionary pictures done, take wisdom teeth out, and get a physical. I wish I could just be done with everything and be out serving already... but I know there is a process and it takes time. I'm really excited though!!! :)
The weekend was just full of amazing friends and fun. I LOVE LIFE! :) Here are some pictures! Hope Skyler doesn't mind that I stole a few of his from Facebook... heh heh, thanks!
Love, Karli Sue
In the morning Anand, Nicee, Muller, and I went to do baptisms. I can't believe they've started opening the temple early every day instead of just Saturdays!!! It was great, and I loved starting my day off at the temple. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such great people!
Later I got to carve a pumpkin for the first time in my life (I know crazy)! I was so happy to check it off my bucket-list haha! :) It was a date with three couples, and my date was Anand. Thanks Anand! We went to a haunted corn maze, which was a BLAST! I think I almost trampled Nicee the first time we encountered a scary chainsaw guy hahaha. After the corn maze we lit our pumpkins and had hot chocolate! Great day!
Trace and Michelle invited us to a Halloween breakfast! We had pumpkin pancakes with other good food, watched Halloweentown High, and had a great time just talking! I love having family so close, and celebrating holidays with them :)
That night Kallin and I went out with some of our lovely friends from work :) GIRLS NIGHT! We went to Fredrico's for dinner, and Charlie's Ice Cream for dessert! Of course it was great, and I love them so much. I'm grateful to be friends with such amazing girls!
The day finally came to start papers! My bishop was out of town until then, so I was REALLY anxious to meet with him about my mission! My papers are almost done! :) Now all I need to do is get missionary pictures done, take wisdom teeth out, and get a physical. I wish I could just be done with everything and be out serving already... but I know there is a process and it takes time. I'm really excited though!!! :)
The weekend was just full of amazing friends and fun. I LOVE LIFE! :) Here are some pictures! Hope Skyler doesn't mind that I stole a few of his from Facebook... heh heh, thanks!
Our Spider-man pumpkin!
Love, Karli Sue
Monday, October 8, 2012
It's funny how you think you have your whole life planned :) I wanted to attend college, meet a righteous attractive man, get married or be engaged by the time I was 20, and finish my degree. Great plan... right?! ;)
The past few months I haven't been doing the best with grades, and haven't been asked out on a date in who knows how long. The whole "get married and graduate" plan wasn't exactly coming along haha. There were times I felt discouraged and lost because things seemed to be going nowhere. Saturday morning of conference changed EVERYTHING :)
I had been praying about finding out what I needed to be doing. So I had specific questions for Conference. As soon as President Monson mentioned the age changes, I knew a mission was an answer to my prayers :) I prayed and asked if it was right, and I got my answer! Sunday morning I'm having a meeting with my bishop about starting my papers! I'm SOOO excited!!!
I look back on my whole "plan" and realize that it was all selfish. Getting my degree and getting married was kind of all about me... but I know that going on a mission will help me serve others more, and let others know about this amazing Gospel. All the things I was worried about make sense now :)
At the end of this semester I'll stop going to school and just start working full-time until I leave. I can't wait to start preparing to serve my brothers and sisters, and the Lord!
Love, Karli Sue
The past few months I haven't been doing the best with grades, and haven't been asked out on a date in who knows how long. The whole "get married and graduate" plan wasn't exactly coming along haha. There were times I felt discouraged and lost because things seemed to be going nowhere. Saturday morning of conference changed EVERYTHING :)
I had been praying about finding out what I needed to be doing. So I had specific questions for Conference. As soon as President Monson mentioned the age changes, I knew a mission was an answer to my prayers :) I prayed and asked if it was right, and I got my answer! Sunday morning I'm having a meeting with my bishop about starting my papers! I'm SOOO excited!!!
I look back on my whole "plan" and realize that it was all selfish. Getting my degree and getting married was kind of all about me... but I know that going on a mission will help me serve others more, and let others know about this amazing Gospel. All the things I was worried about make sense now :)
At the end of this semester I'll stop going to school and just start working full-time until I leave. I can't wait to start preparing to serve my brothers and sisters, and the Lord!
Love, Karli Sue
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
One Year
It's funny how so much can change in one year. One year ago around this time I was going through a lot of changes that were hard. I have this flip chart calender thing that says a scripture for each day. On September 18th (a year ago) I looked at that calender, and it said, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."
I remember reading that and feeling some comfort, but of course it didn't change my circumstances or how I felt. Those changes and hard times started out as pain, but slowly became small aches, and eventually faded away. Those changes became blessings, and I tried to look at the bright side. I started studying the scriptures more, and becoming closer to my Heavenly Father.
College became easier and so fun! I met new friends (thanks P-2 boys!) and became closer to Kallin. Yesterday was September 18, and I looked at that scripture once again. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."
Reading that made me realize how much Heavenly Father has helped me over the past year. I wasn't completely happy or better in a few days. It took almost a year, but he DID deliver me. I know there are times when we feel like hard times won't end... but they WILL :)
That doesn't mean my life is perfect now, but Heavenly Father helped open my eyes to what "perfect" is. I'm GRATEFUL for those things I thought were burdens/hardships. The small moments matter to me so much more than they once did.
Now more than ever I find myself constantly wanting to be with people. I love school and work, but being with the people I care about is my favorite. Even if it's just sitting around talking, going out to lunch, playing Apples To Apples haha... ANYTHING, I just love it. Thanks everyone, for being my friends and being a part of this past year! Life is so amazing!!!
I remember reading that and feeling some comfort, but of course it didn't change my circumstances or how I felt. Those changes and hard times started out as pain, but slowly became small aches, and eventually faded away. Those changes became blessings, and I tried to look at the bright side. I started studying the scriptures more, and becoming closer to my Heavenly Father.
College became easier and so fun! I met new friends (thanks P-2 boys!) and became closer to Kallin. Yesterday was September 18, and I looked at that scripture once again. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."
Reading that made me realize how much Heavenly Father has helped me over the past year. I wasn't completely happy or better in a few days. It took almost a year, but he DID deliver me. I know there are times when we feel like hard times won't end... but they WILL :)
That doesn't mean my life is perfect now, but Heavenly Father helped open my eyes to what "perfect" is. I'm GRATEFUL for those things I thought were burdens/hardships. The small moments matter to me so much more than they once did.
Now more than ever I find myself constantly wanting to be with people. I love school and work, but being with the people I care about is my favorite. Even if it's just sitting around talking, going out to lunch, playing Apples To Apples haha... ANYTHING, I just love it. Thanks everyone, for being my friends and being a part of this past year! Life is so amazing!!!
"Sometimes God calms the storm, but sometimes He lets the storm rage, and calms the sailor."
Love, Karli Sue
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
It's school time again! Classes are great, and it feels so good to be back on campus! The first week was a blast! We went to 1st dam, the Institute Social, 80's Dance, the first football game, and watched The Avengers on Old Main hill. Plus just telling funny stories and hanging out has been fun!
I love these guys :) This is what college is all about!!!
Love, Karli Sue
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Having Emily and Whitni as roommates for the summer was great! We didn't hang out as much as we wanted because of our work schedules, but still had good times. I'll always remember Whitni's laugh (don't forget the snorting), and her talking to herself while she's watching a movie.
I'll also remember that moment when we were walking up the stairs to our bedrooms, and ALL of us had something in our hands that we were eating.
I'll also remember that moment when we were walking up the stairs to our bedrooms, and ALL of us had something in our hands that we were eating.
Alright, this picture is hilarious. Emily has no idea what's going on, Whitni and Kallin are just laughing, and I'm trying to teach Tristan how to work my camera! Describes all of us very well ;)
We're so much alike! ;) Thanks for being such fun girls to be with! I'll love you forever!
Love, Karli Sue
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Of course there was a lot of work this summer, but still time for fun too :) Having the P-2 boys next door was awesome. I think Kallin and I would've gone insane by ourselves otherwise ;) We first started hanging out with them just once a week when we created Tropical Tuesdays, but then started hanging out pretty much every day haha.
I love that most of them speak a different language. Having them pray when we ate was so cool!!! For our last week as neighbors, we went to IHOP for breakfast one morning, had an adventurous night on the quad looking at stars, and more!
Of course everyone is living pretty close during the school year, so we'll still have more adventures! Starting this school year Kallin and I will be the hosts of Tropical Tuesday! We're going to make it even more official and legit ;) Thanks for the summer guys!
I love that most of them speak a different language. Having them pray when we ate was so cool!!! For our last week as neighbors, we went to IHOP for breakfast one morning, had an adventurous night on the quad looking at stars, and more!
Of course everyone is living pretty close during the school year, so we'll still have more adventures! Starting this school year Kallin and I will be the hosts of Tropical Tuesday! We're going to make it even more official and legit ;) Thanks for the summer guys!
Perfect painting to set the tropical mood ;)
Look how lovely everything gets after we're done making smoothies!
Love, Karli Sue
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Harry Potter Party!
Every year all the girls in our family have a themed "tea party" together! This year my sister Haylie was the host, and the theme was Harry Potter! Each person was given a character to dress up as, and the little girls just came in white shirts and black pants for their "school uniform." Kallin and I were given awesome characters! Bellatrix Lestrange and Fleur Delacour. I forgot to charge my Nikon, and I had to use a digital camera... so the pictures aren't as great as I'd like them to be, but here are our costumes and everything else!
Everyone met at up and went to Diagon Alley. This is where the little girls got their robes, wands, and everything. Kallin and I got wands too :) They were LEGIT and handmade! Mine was kind of dark looking because I was Bellatrix. LOVED IT :)
After Diagon Alley, we went to "Hogwarts." It was the coolest house ever! This house took 7 years to build, by the man who lives in it. He carved pictures and designs in the wood everywhere, and all of the rooms were different and cool. PERFECT for Hogwarts :)
Here's me as Bellatrix. Yep, that's my real hair haha! It took forever to comb it out afterwards... but totally worth it, right? ;)
After Diagon Alley, we went to "Hogwarts." It was the coolest house ever! This house took 7 years to build, by the man who lives in it. He carved pictures and designs in the wood everywhere, and all of the rooms were different and cool. PERFECT for Hogwarts :)
Here's the whole group!
Here's the table, food, and other decorations! Haylie did such a great job!
These owl cookies are famous in our family :)
The chocolate frogs were SO awesome and good!
The activities were fun! Of course went to Diagon Alley, went through Platform 9 3/4,
and had dinner... but we also got put into houses with the sorting hat, had a magician
come to teach magic tricks, had desserts, and a tour of the house!
Cute Jace as Harry Potter! He was the only
exception for a boy being at the Tea Party ;)
It was so much fun being with all the girls again. Every year it's so great! I'm blessed and lucky to be surrounded by such amazing women in my life!
Love, Karli Sue
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