Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wonderful Weekend!

Quite a few things happened this weekend that I wanted to write about, so I separated them into days!

In the morning Anand, Nicee, Muller, and I went to do baptisms. I can't believe they've started opening the temple early every day instead of just Saturdays!!! It was great, and I loved starting my day off at the temple. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such great people!

Later I got to carve a pumpkin for the first time in my life (I know crazy)! I was so happy to check it off my bucket-list haha! :) It was a date with three couples, and my date was Anand. Thanks Anand! We went to a haunted corn maze, which was a BLAST! I think I almost trampled Nicee the first time we encountered a scary chainsaw guy hahaha. After the corn maze we lit our pumpkins and had hot chocolate! Great day!

Trace and Michelle invited us to a Halloween breakfast! We had pumpkin pancakes with other good food, watched Halloweentown High, and had a great time just talking! I love having family so close, and celebrating holidays with them :)

That night Kallin and I went out with some of our lovely friends from work :) GIRLS NIGHT! We went to Fredrico's for dinner, and Charlie's Ice Cream for dessert! Of course it was great, and I love them so much. I'm grateful to be friends with such amazing girls!

The day finally came to start papers! My bishop was out of town until then, so I was REALLY anxious to meet with him about my mission! My papers are almost done! :) Now all I need to do is get missionary pictures done, take wisdom teeth out, and get a physical. I wish I could just be done with everything and be out serving already... but I know there is a process and it takes time. I'm really excited though!!! :)

The weekend was just full of amazing friends and fun. I LOVE LIFE! :) Here are some pictures! Hope Skyler doesn't mind that I stole a few of his from Facebook... heh heh, thanks!

Our Spider-man pumpkin! 

Love, Karli Sue

Monday, October 8, 2012


It's funny how you think you have your whole life planned :) I wanted to attend college, meet a righteous attractive man, get married or be engaged by the time I was 20, and finish my degree. Great plan... right?! ;)

The past few months I haven't been doing the best with grades, and haven't been asked out on a date in who knows how long. The whole "get married and graduate" plan wasn't exactly coming along haha. There were times I felt discouraged and lost because things seemed to be going nowhere. Saturday morning of conference changed EVERYTHING :)

I had been praying about finding out what I needed to be doing. So I had specific questions for Conference. As soon as President Monson mentioned the age changes, I knew a mission was an answer to my prayers :) I prayed and asked if it was right, and I got my answer! Sunday morning I'm having a meeting with my bishop about starting my papers! I'm SOOO excited!!!

I look back on my whole "plan" and realize that it was all selfish. Getting my degree and getting married was kind of all about me... but I know that going on a mission will help me serve others more, and let others know about this amazing Gospel. All the things I was worried about make sense now :)

At the end of this semester I'll stop going to school and just start working full-time until I leave. I can't wait to start preparing to serve my brothers and sisters, and the Lord!


Love, Karli Sue