Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Missionary Moment

An amazing experience happened to me on Sunday! I was early for church to find the right chapel, and decided to read my scriptures. This guy walked up and asked if he could sit by me. He wasn't dressed in church clothes, so I wondered if he was a member or not. 

We began talking, and his name was Matt. Out of the blue he tells me that I'm intimidating. He said, "Seeing you at church early and reading your scriptures is amazing. I see that you're paying your tithing too. I mean... then look at me... I'm really struggling." He explained that he KNOWS the church is true, but he often doubts God's love because of the mistakes he has made. 

I then had the opportunity to share with him briefly some of the mistakes I've made, and the lessons learned. I testified that God loves each of us, even when we make mistakes. During the sacrament, he asked me what my favorite scripture was. I showed him Mosiah 24:14. It says, "And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."

When he read that, he looked up at me and said, "That's exactly what I needed to hear." I smiled and looked up to the sacrament table. (side note) There were two men who were passing and blessing the sacrament. One of them was blind, and the other man was a midget. I couldn't believe the faith and courage those men had to perform ordinances of God even with disabilities. One of them messed up a little bit on the sacrament prayer, so he needed to say it again. It reminded me of how Heavenly Father wants us to strive to be perfect, but when we aren't, we have another chance to make things right. I hoped that Matt was thinking the same thing.

ALL of the talks were about God's love for his children. I couldn't believe how the spirit was working so strongly to bless Matt to hear what he needed to. At the end of the meeting, he thanked me sincerely for him being able to have met me. I thanked him for the same thing. I couldn't believe how much joy it was being able to share my experiences and apply them to an actual life situation. I felt like a real missionary!!! This overwhelming desire came over me to help people like Matt who are struggling. It was a TINY glimpse of what missionaries feel in the mission field. I want others to know what I know, and feel what I feel!

Matt and I only know each other's first names. We probably won't see each other again because he was moving out of state the next day... but he helped change my life in the matter of a few minutes! 

The whole meeting was just AMAZING! I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!!! 

Love, Karli Sue


  1. You are amazing!!!! That is such a great story. It's incredible how the Lord's hand is manifest in our lives as we strive to become better. What a great example you were. The Lord knew you would one day meet him and need to be able to relate. I'm sure things like this will happen time and time again. Way to be ready sista!!!! Love and miss You!

  2. Kar, you're so awesome! Thanks for sharing your experience with me. What a powerful scripture you shared with him! I'm sure, like you, he will never forget it! Missionary experiences are the best! I'm so proud of you:)

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for reading it. I know, they really are! Thanks :) Love you!

  3. You're an amazing example Karli! Thank you!

    1. Aww, thanks Mo! That means a lot to me :) I'm just grateful for that experience. You're welcome! Thank you for reading it!

  4. Thank you for sharing this Karli! You are such a strong, beautiful young woman and I am so lucky to know you. Thank you for being such a great example of missionary work. :)

  5. Karlie! That was really sweet of you to say. You're so beautiful and strong too. I'm grateful that I was able to have the opportunity. Thank you!
